ECMC Data Falsification Map

This map shows oil & gas locations identified in data published by the Colorado Energy & Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) on December 13, 2024 regarding at least 344 falsified laboratory data reports made to the ECMC since 2015 for spill remediation projects operated by Chevron (278 locations) and Oxy (66 locations), who contracted environmental testing by Eagle Environmental Consulting, Inc. and Tasman, Inc.

The ECMC is prioritizing investigation of the Closed locations within municipalities. Not shown are several sites in far northeast Weld County.

The map was compiled using GIS data downloaded from the Colorado Energy & Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) web site at on December 13, 2024. Other geographic data sourced from OpenStreetMaps.

This map has been created for the Erie Protectors in partnership with EcoCarto, a local mapping consulting firm. Visit their online store to order a printed 24″ x 36″ poster of any of these maps, and please contact us if you would like to have us create a similar map for your area.

Data Sources