
While we can’t compete with oil & gas interests when it comes to using money to influence local politicians and buying off communities, we have identified some targeted campaigns to effect change in Erie.

GoFundMe Campaign

You can access the GoFundMe campaign at .

We need your help to achieve three specific goals:

  1. $200 towards a Facebook advertising campaign to grow the membership of the Erie Community O&G Monitoring group to 2000 members. We just broke the 1000 member mark, and intend to reach this goal with your help by the end of December, 2017.
  2. $500 towards 50 qty. 12″ x 18″ yard signs with stakes that supporters can put in their yards to show their support for our movement. When we meet our $1000 goal, each of the first 50 donors above $25 will receive a yard sign. We’re still working on the design, stay tuned for details!
  3. $300 towards 3 new message inserts (gobos) for the Erie Light Brigade. Currently, we have “Ban Fracking”, “Ecotrocity”, and a few others, but want to project personalized messages that are particular to our town. We’ll put a poll up on Facebook to choose the best messages!

Any additional funds raised beyond the $1000 goal will be used to increment each of the above three efforts.

Financial Accountability

We are committed to financial transparency. To date, Erie Protectors has raised the following funds:

  • $785 via a limited-audience GoFundMe campaign in September 2017.

To date, Erie Protectors has incurred the following expenses:

  • $55 to print flyers, distributed in Vista Ridge
  • $600 for Summa canister testing near the Pratt, Waste Connections sites
  • $130 for facilities rental at the Erie Community Center
  • $100 for domain name registration and web hosting
  • $25 for business cards
  • $20 for a copy of Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution
  • $20 for a copy of Waging Nonviolent Struggle: 20th Century Practice And 21st Century Potential
  • $50 for Facebook advertising
  • $650 for a ETC Source 4 stage light with 15-30° zoom, spare bulbs, gel films, and gobos
  • $590.52 for 1,000 qty Front Range Oil & Gas Infrastructure maps.