Water usage for Hydraulic Fracturing in Broomfield, Colorado

This visualization shows the amount of water used to frac each of the wells drilled within the municipal boundaries of Broomfield, Colorado since 2017. The data is grouped by operator, with the most recently fracked wells shown first. In total, 848.76 million gallons of water have been used to frac these wells, with a median of 12.57 million gallons of water used to frac each of the 67 wells.

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One Reply to “Water usage for Hydraulic Fracturing in Broomfield, Colorado”

  1. Hello Erie Protectors: This was a good start, but I think the graphics could be better. It would really help to compare the total amount of produced water to something people can easily understand — like the total annual amount of water used 1000 families, or something comparable. Showing this in 3-D would help too. Keep up the good work! –Rick, one of founding members, East Boulder County United

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